Two hundred years from the Giambattista Bodoni Manuale Tipografico, the publisher Tallone presents the Manuale Tipografico dedicated to the art of engravers, founders and printers in favor of aesthetics. The precious volume, hand-made and drawn in 265 copies, honors the book in its material and spiritual aspects, describing and showing from centuries of typographic and paper age civilization, with original finds of watermarks of six different centuries and original characters fused from the XVIII to the twentieth century.
The complex editing and the composition by hand, make it possible to see the 4th edition of Alberto Tallone Editore’s Manuale Tipografico IV in 2018, the year in which several anniversaries occur: the five hundred and fifty years since the death of Gutenberg and the bicentenary of the Giambattista Bodoni Manuale Tipografico.
We inform you that the volume will be officially presented on December 11, 2018 at the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale in Rome.